This is Villa Real ® (This website established 1994)

Engineering and Consulting Office Villa Real Ltd/SA was established 1987. We offer a range of services to the international clientele of the Construction and Real Estate Cluster - CREC. Keywords to characterise our expertise and experience:

  • International
  • Strategic
  • Sustainable
  • Energy and environment
  • Construction
  • IT & Robotics

Visit our Online Bookshop for energy and green building software; download /easy/instant/secure/.

Käy (!) myös kaikille avoimella blogi-sivulla, jossa keskustellaan kestävän yhteiskunnan tekijöistä: taloudelliset, ympäristö- ja yhteiskunnalliset tekijät; erityisesti energia, hiilijalanjälki ja elinkaarikustannukset [Economic, environmental and societal impacts for sustainable society; Specialties: energy, carbon footprint and lifecycle costing].

Visit our Low Energy House in the Finnish National Housing Fair at Hämeenlinna 2007.